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How is 3D printing transforming cardiac care?

How is 3D printing transforming cardiac care?

Written by David

October 30, 2019


“3D printing has expanded over the past three decades with growth in both facility implementation and diversity of medical applications,” wrote the authors, led by Dr. Enrico Ferrari from Cardiocentro Ticino in Lugano, Switzerland. “The speed of technological development is increasing and the utility of 3D printing and its application in cardiovascular medicine is tangible.”


Far and away the most common use of cardiovascular 3D printing has been to facilitate care for pediatric patients with congenital heart diseases, although the application of 3D printing in adult cardiovascular diseases also has been on the rise in recent years.


For the current review article, Ferrari and colleagues searched the Medline database for all available publications on adult cardiovascular 3D printing as of January 2019. The review included 130 3D-printed anatomical models used in the 58 studies examined. The clinicians performing these studies most often relied […]

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