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Airbus to 3D-Print Drones and Self-Driving Vehicles in New Venture

Airbus to 3D-Print Drones and Self-Driving Vehicles in New Venture

Written by David

October 13, 2019


Airbus has signed a new deal to manufacture drones and self-driving cars with Local Motors Industries, a 3D-printing start-up in San Francisco.


The two companies are joining forces to launch Neorizon, a venture which will build mobility and autonomy solutions.


Mobility challenges


“Every local and state government is faced with challenges such as rapid urbanization and congestion, inefficient and pollutive transport, and ever-changing and evolving technology,” said in a statement Jay Rogers, CEO and founder of LM Industries. “Current transport infrastructure and existing mass manufacturing are too inflexible and capital intense to service evolving technology trends and changing consumer demands.”


Neorizon’s aim will be to operate a “microfactory” where new transportation products “will be built rapidly and efficiently.” Neorizon’s operations will be based at Airbus’ Ludwig-Bölkow-Campus near Munich, Germany in conjunction with an Innovation Campus including a new Technical University of Munich Campus. “We’ve been working with LM Industries’ […]

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